Source: Melissa Kaye
Port Edwards, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – There’s a primary election in Port Edwards for Village President. On February 18, voters will have two primary races on the ballot. You may choose one candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Those candidates include: Jeff Wright, Brittany Kinser, and Jill Underly. In the race for Port Edwards Village President, you will also be voting for one candidate. Those on the ballot include: Matthew Fletcher, Erik D. Saylor, and Betsy A. Mancl. Each candidate running for Village President was asked to submit a statement to inform voters. We asked candidates to keep their statements under 400 words.
My name is Matthew Fletcher, I’m running for President and Trustee of the Port Edwards Board. The reason I’m running is simple, I wanna make Port Edwards affordable again.
1. I’ve lived in Port Edwards for 50 years
2. I’m a 25 year member of the Port Edwards Fire Department (Retired)
3. I’m a member of the Port Edwards Lions Club.
4. I own multiple homes in Port Edwards.
5. I’ve coached Port Edwards Baseball and Softball for 10 years.
6. I have multiple degrees in Business Administration, and Respiratory Therapy.
7. I currently manage the Respiratory Department for a major home respiratory company in Wisconsin.
8. I’ve lived here my whole life and truly care about Port Edwards.
My plan is simple:
1. I will clean up the papermill that the current administration leaders have been ignoring. Fixing this one problem will bring back businesses to our community. This increase tax base will help lower our property taxes and reduce our water and sewer bills. This will also give the community more revenue and jobs to grow our town.
2. I will stop the current administrations wasteful spending habits like extra legal fees and unneeded committees. These extra committees have added a huge increase to our taxes and have destroyed our Fire Department.
3. I will make the entire town board completely transparent. I will put an end to our current board leaders closed door meetings, and secret policies.
In conclusion, I would like to ask all the residents of Port Edwards if they are benefiting from all the increases they are now paying in taxes. Has the administration changed anything other than increasing [the] amount of taxes we all pay now? If you feel like I do, please stand with me and vote for change in 2025.
Vote Matt Fletcher, and make Port Edwards affordable again!!
Hello, my name is Erik Saylor and I am running for the Village of Port Edwards President and am asking for your vote in the upcoming spring 2025 elections.
I currently hold a seat on the Village board as a trustee until 2026 and have been a Village resident for 46 years, a graduate of John Edwards High School, a 20-year US Navy Veteran, a 21-year retired Captain in Port Edwards Fire Department and a youth football\baseball\basketball coach for the last six years.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Lakeland University. I am the Director of Technology for the Nekoosa School District supporting all technology needs for 1,500 students and staff across a five-building campus. The district technology department’s budget is over six figures which I manage and make the proper decisions on what to spend the taxpayers’ money on for the students and staff to be successful.
I have a question though, I’m asking, “What are you looking for in a Port Edwards President?” As a resident, we know that property taxes are high and have been, it will be my job to work with the board, school districts, county and state to figure out ways to lower them.
Over the years I have sat through hours upon hours of village meetings and have openly voiced my concern on dollars being spent. I have asked hundreds of questions to elected officials on how to spend or not spend money, had some great discussions where I felt that we were all on the same page and then when it came to a vote, I’m out voted 5-1. It’s hard to vote NO at times and not just go with the flow but I HAVE and WILL continue to do so when I disagree. I have been elected to be the voice of the residents and to side with the people that have voted for me.
Port Edwards residents, I’m asking you to reach out to your neighbors and ask them what they want in their next leader. If the answer is somebody that will attempt to protect your tax dollars without any pet projects, someone that is conscience about the water\sewer\property tax rates because they’re another high bill in my household as well or not staying with the status quo with how things have been run, then I’m that person!
Re-Elect Betsy Mancl for Port Edwards Village President!
Over the past two years, I’ve attended over 96% of the 150+ village meetings, earning the trust of five out of six trustees for being consistently prepared and present. I’m not just a meeting attendee – I’m accessible to residents and actively participate in village events. You can’t represent those you don’t know.
Accomplishments & Efficiency: As Village President, I’ve worked with board members, department leaders, and staff to make our operations more efficient and effective. Our village departments are now more streamlined than ever because of the staff in place.
Collaboration Matters: I know I can’t do everything alone. My strength lies in working well with others and gaining consensus to move us forward productively.
As Board President, I have no more power than a trustee — just one vote. I bring the same strong work ethic from my time as a trustee to this role. There’s no “magic” in being President — just hard work and teamwork.
Election Misinformation & Questions for Candidates: The Spring newsletter is out — please review it. Unfortunately, some candidates have chosen to spread inaccurate information. While this is often considered part of politics, it shouldn’t be part of our village’s conversation.
I urge you to carefully scrutinize the other candidates’ remarks. Ask yourself how they plan to make their promises a reality. As President, they will still only have one of seven votes.
Serving All Residents: I serve the entire village — not just those who’ve lived here the longest or just those who vote for me. My decisions are driven by what’s best for Port Edwards as a whole. I rely on available information and ongoing conversations with residents to guide my actions.
Stay Informed: There has been misinformation circulating. For accurate updates, please follow my Facebook page Betsy Mancl for Re-Election for Village Board President.
With your vote on February 18th, we can continue the positive progress for Port Edwards
You can find information regarding the primary election in Port Edwards, see a sample ballot, and check your registration on MyVote Wisconsin. The Village of Port Edwards posts their village meetings on the Village YouTube page. The polls will be open on February 18 from 7AM to 8PM.